I know how difficult it can be to host Thanksgiving. If you’re a first time host, it can be downright terrifying. Over the years, I’ve learned a lot about hosting Thanksgiving. I thought long and hard and pulled together the most valuable tips I know. Enjoy.
- Things will go wrong. The trick is to find humor in the mishaps.
- When things go wrong, no one needs to know. I once dropped the turkey on the floor while I was taking it out of the oven. I carved that turkey and no one ever knew. Thank goodness I washed the floor right before everyone showed up.
- A wise husband (mine) once told me (last night) “Nobody cares about the color of the napkins… except the hostess. The hostess cares.” He’s right. As much as I hate to admit it, people just use their napkins to wipe gravy off their faces.
- If you’re running late, open a bottle of champagne or two and don’t forget to share some with your guests.
- The most important rule to remember is that the people who are coming to Thanksgiving dinner at your house love you. They love you more than turkey and even more than pumpkin pie. Well, maybe not quite as much as pumpkin pie, but they think you’re pretty freakin’ great.
Happy Thanksgiving!
The Tomato Tart
Daily Gratitude
Clean Sheets
Fleece Pants
Chuck Taylors
Fuzzy Water
Thank you so much!
I am taking a break at the computer thinking about everything that could go wrong tomorrow!
Your post made me laugh.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I\’m so glad. We really can get wrapped up in the little stuff. Nobody is as hard on us as we are on ourselves. Laughter is a hosts best friend 😉
Happy Thanksgiving.
From Turkey with love :)))
Love your tips – short, sweet and correct. #4 always works very well for me.
Thank you! I think number four should be inked on the first-time-host\’s hand as a reminder in those times of need.