I just want to report a quick piece of fantastic news! The PayPal saga is over and with some (tedious) legwork and lots of patience on the part of Yusuke Wada at Second Harvest Japan and yes, myself, it’s finally solved.
I had a bit of sweet intervention. Someone forwarded my case to the founders of PayPal. I am so incredibly grateful for this. I had the extreme fortune to work with Cami in Executive Escalations over the weekend; she was kind, and warm, and took a genuine interest in this case. She was even a foodie and a member of a CSA from her home in the Midwest. Cami has also offered to work with me on this autumn’s bake sale so that it runs super smoothly. She is a gem.
I am still reeling from the roller coaster of the last five weeks, but I think the peak will be handing a check to Yusuke and telling him just how fortunate I feel to have worked with the generous food bloggers and enthusiastic bidders who made this all possible. Thank you all so much, and happy Tuesday.
you did a great job with this sale, no one knows just how difficult this type of operation is until they do it!
We are so proud of you!!
Thank you, Dennis, for all of your kind words, for your support and encouragement, and for your participation. I am lucky to know you.