I have had quite a run during the past week. Between losing gas then power and an 18+ hour day yesterday, I’m feeling a little burnt. Burnt enough to stress-eat an entire tub of vegan chocolate mousse.I guess it’s a good thing that Joshua stole it for his lunch. Instead, I’m contemplating raiding my slow cooker full of caramelized onions to pile atop a grain-free grilled cheese sandwich.

Life is too short
This quote made me laugh and then it made me think. Though I really do love celery, life is too short to stress about how we look. We are stuck with that voice inside our heads, 24-7, so it’s a good idea to make friends with it. Self-loathing is a real life problem that so many folks struggle with.The negative self-talk we hear is unkind, hurtful, and unkind. What’s worse is that it comes from within.
One of my teachers taught me an exercise that I have incorporated into my life. Every time you hear that voice in your head saying that you’re stupid for screwing up, that you’re old, or incapable, or ugly, or fat, try to turn it around. Talk to yourself in the same manner you’d talk to a dear friend or a child if they were in your situation. I’m guessing you wouldn’t someone you love that she’s ugly or stupid or lazy or slow. You would offer her words of encouragement, you would tell her how much you value her, and you would be the best friend you know how to be. Treat yourself with gentle loving kindness, because everyone is deserving of kindness.
So, if you eat a cookie this weekend, enjoy that cookie with 100% abandon rather than beating yourself up for eating the cookie or telling yourself you have to run an extra mile just to work it off. Life is short and precious and cookies… well cookies are fantastic.
I refer to that negative voice in my head as "TBIMH" (that bitch in my head).
She's hateful – negative – and she NEVER STOPS.
Luckily, I have some folks in my life who keep trying to shut her up. 🙂
Derp. I even spelled my own name wrong. LOL