Every day, I read the news from Japan with great sadness. I hope for the best- that the situation with the nuclear reactor in Fukushima Dai-ichi will not worsen, that the hundreds of thousands of people left homeless will be sheltered, fed, and comforted.
In Buddhism, there is a word, metta, meaning“Loving Kindness” I find myself doing a lot of metta meditation these days.
May all beings be safe. May all beings be healthy.
May all beings be happy. May all beings live with ease.
On a personal note, I have had word from my cousin in Japan, and although he was stuck in the Tokyo subway for hours as no trains were running, a friend came to bring him home and he is safe. We were so happy to hear of his safety.
In every tragedy, every disaster, there lies the capacity for human kindness and love. Six days ago when I put out a quick tweet to a few friends asking if they’d like to do a bake sale to help Japan, several friends jumped right in immediately. Since then, the list of food bloggers, professional bakers, and others has grown exponentially! We have people participating from all over the world- the U.S, Canada, the UK, France, Italy, and Australia, so far.
There are now more than 60 bloggers from 8 countries around the world! See the ever-growing list at the bottom of this page.
The bake sale will be held, auction style, on this website on March 30th. We will be donating to Second Harvest Japan, a food bank in Japan that is responding to the crisis in a direct and very meaningful way- by feeding people who are in need.
Although you’ll have to wait until the 30th to bid, please keep your eyes peeled for a preview of all of the yummy baked goods we will be offering in the days leading up to the auction Until then, here is a list of all of the participants, so far.
If you would like to join the bake sale, match any portion of the donations, or have questions about the bake sale, please contact me at the address below:
Also, please rock the Bake Sale for Japan badge on your site to help spread the word, tweet this, facebook it.
Let’s Raise Some Dough (get it?)!
I will be very happy to bid on an of the wonderful creations the bloggers put together. Will post my badge now!
Thanks Adriana!
Just sent you an email. We want in!! 🙂
Please send info on how to join in the fun! I will bake till I drop.
Pam, I sent you a tweet. I don't have your info.
Please email me to get in on the Dough Raising action!
I am SO incredibly proud of you. Look at that list, it's incredible. Good job. I am so excited to participate.
Da, I am so happy to have you on board. You have such a good heart and your food always looks so yummy, I can't wait to see what you'll make.
Just emailed you as would like to contribute. How do I insert the badge onto my blog? I'm techno-useless…..my blog is on wordpress – tried to copy it into widgets. Anyone know how to do it?
I would love to participate and raise some dough…what an amazing idea. How to?
Please send an email to
bakesale {at} thetomatotart {dot} {com}
I would love to have you join in!
Is it possible to join in as Swiss? How does it work?
I would love to help in any way I can.
absolutely! i would love to have you. please email me. bakesale {at} thetomatotart {dot} {com}
This is so worthwhile: cookies to change the world! I wish that I could participate by baking something but my kitchen is out of commission right now. I'll check out the auction though.
I made your tofu taco sauce for black-eyed pea croquettes before our remodel started. My story comes out tomorrow so look for it. Love your blog!
We totally would like to help out! Just emailed you!
I'm ready to buy, buy, buy!
Hi Sabrina. I added a post about the bake sale today. Thank you for doing this. Can't wait to see some of the goodies and bid!
Woo Hoo! Lookin' good!
Thanks Sue, for your participation.
Can I add the notice about the online bake sale to my blog?
BTW, you have a beautiful blog!
I would love that Donna. Thank you!
Reading everyone else's blogs about their contributions is making me hungry! I am excited to bid. How is the bidding going to work?
May I join? I have no clue how to go about this as I am in India. What can I do to help? This is a great idea.
Deeba /vindee@airtelmail.in/
Hi Sabrina,
Just sent you an email. Please count me in if I made it in time!
i am late to the party. Probably too late now. Wish I could have participated but will post the badge today in hopes to steer my share of people to the auction today.