Coconut Curry Popcorn, The Ultimate Gluten Free Snack
When I started the journey of October #unprocessed, I knew that there would be certain challenges. I mentioned the biggies in my guest post on Eating Rules.
- Breakfast and lunch had to be prepped the night before since my husband and I eat both meals out of the house on most days
- Avoiding eating out and ordering in by having some easy to make meals in the fridge just in case I was too tired or too hungry to make a full blown dinner
The things I thought less about were the little things. Life, is made up of all those moments in between. Sunday morning, some friends invited us out to brunch. That was easily avoided when they accepted an invitation to our house. I made challah French toast and baked eggs. We drank fresh squeezed OJ and laughed and I almost screwed up the French press YET again.
One thing I couldn’t (and didn’t want to) avoid was an afternoon trip to the movies with my brother. Oh no, I thought, popcorn! I don’t generally eat processed junk food, and anything partially hydrogenated was exorcized from our house about seven years ago, but movie popcorn is my rare exception. I decided I would one up the movie popcorn. I called up my rebel spirit and made some amazing coconut curry popcorn to sneak into the theater with two apples and a few squares of dark chocolate. I did buy a bottled water there- not to assuage any guilty concience, just because I couldn’t fit my Klean Kanteen in my bag with all that awesome haul!
- 4 cups fresh popped popcorn (I did mine on the stove with avocado oil)
- 2 tablespoons coconut sugar
- 2 tablespoons garam masala spice
- ground hot chilies to taste (I used a tablespoon of paper lantern chilies, it was way hot)
- 2 tablespoons coconut oil
- Sea salt to taste
- Toast coconut sugar, garam masala, and chili powder in a dry skillet for about 2 minutes on medium high heat
- Add coconut oil and melt over spices, whisking together as it melts, to incorporate. Cook for another couple of minutes to integrate flavor.
- Toss with fresh popcorn, salt to taste, and sneak into the theater or just eat as a savory/sweet snack any time, any place.
What a great combination of flavours and I can imagine this is such a satisfying snack. I'm really enjoying all these October Unprocessed posts, they've really given me something to think about.
Hi Kathryn, it really is a satisfying snack. Sweet, savory, spicy, salty, crunchy.. just what all of the chips/crisps companies try to get us on, but without all of the junk chemicals. I love October #unprocessed and all of the DIY ideas too. Your hot sauce definitely fits the bill. I made some hot chili garlic sauce last night, with honey and lots of garlic and a bit of mustard powder and apple cider vinegar. Similar to yours…
unprocessed awesome. I love that picture its so beautiful for something so straight forward. lovely!
Wow!! I've heard of falvored popcorn but never anything like this!! I must make it!!
Hey Steph, I hope you love it too. I must admit, I tried something similar once from 479º Popcorn (love them) but it's much sweeter like a caramel curry popcorn. This is a bit healthier, I think.
Hey Sabrina,
I'm not sure why it took me so long to find you either. I dig your blog and I love this whole October unprocessed thing. Good move on the coconut curry popcorn!
I'll definitely be back,
What interesting flavors for popcorn, sounds delicious! 🙂
Popcorn is one of my favorite snacks. Maybe I'll post my cacoa nib popcorn next!
This is seriously the best sounding popcorn ever.
Thank you so much Susie. I had some of it, today, and shared with friends at work. It was super spicy but really so good!
I always wanted to try sneak in popcorn to the movie theater but my husband chickens out all the time 🙂 Maybe I can convince him with this one 🙂
This is a great idea for the movies. I also do not like processed food and we usually forgo the popcorn. Now it seems silly. I will definitely try this.
I love (LOVE) that you're doing October unprocessed. I'm not technically doing it, but I don't eat much in the way of processed foods to begin with. So I'm with you in spirit! In any case, this is such a simple and lovely twist on classic popcorn. It sounds so so so tasty. Thanks for sharing, and here's to eating unprocessed food!
What a great treat! I want some of this in my life right now!
Yay! Have you tried just popping the popcorn in coconut oil instead of the avocado oil? One less ingredient to have to use!
I love popping corn in coconut oil! I just learned from Andrew of that he spreads it on toast.
What a wonder-substance that coconut oil is. I use it for so much.
One thing I'm not having the best luck with is pie crust- subbing some of the butter. Have you made this work, Irvin?
Yep. The secret is to measure the coconut oil at room temperature, then put it in the fridge to harden up. Once hardened, break it up with a fork or knife into chunks, and process the flour, oil combo in a food processor with a few pulses. That way you keep the coconut oil cold and in chunks to create the pockets you want. Finish the dough with water by hand (or water & vodka which is my fave method) then stick back in the fridge for an hour or overnight (preferably overnight). Check out… for my coconut oil crust.
Oh my goodness. This is such a great idea! Good thing we have a hefty shipment of coconut oil coming! I love homemade popcorn, but this just sounds like a whole new level of popcorn that I can't wait to try!
Where would I find coconut sugar? I like this flavor combo.
You can find coconut sugar at many health food stores. I also found some at whole foods which seems to be carrying two brands now!
I have to go to my local co-op tomorrow so I will check there than.
I’m a sucker for homemade popcorn… and curry… and coconut! I’ve never seen coconut sugar but this sounds out of this world. Fantastic!